Amnesty: NATO failure in the investigation of civilian deaths in Libya

Amnesty International said Monday that NATO has failed to properly investigate the civilian deaths caused by the Libyan air strikes by aircraft or in the payment of compensation

NATO launched an air campaign lasted seven months helped the Libyan opposition to overthrow the leader of the late Muammar Gaddafi, in a repeat of the accusations echoed by Russia earlier this month, Amnesty International said that dozens of Libyans are not involved in the conflict were killed or wounded during the air strikes launched by aircraft But the alliance did not happen a proper investigation into the matter
Said Donatella Rovera senior adviser to the crises in Amnesty in a statement, said NATO officials repeatedly their commitment to the protection of civilians and they can not now ignore the deaths of dozens of them issuing some vague regret data without a proper investigation in these fatal accidents
Amnesty said that the investigation should reveal whether the loss of civilian life resulting from any violation of international law in the case of this happening must bring those responsible to justice
And began the task of NATO under a UN mandate on March 31 last year in order to protect civilians from attacks by forces Gaddafi
And NATO forces carried out about 26 thousand sorties, around 9,600 sorties bombed and destroyed by the 5900 target to end operations on 31 October
Investigators and the Human Rights Council of the United Nations earlier this month that NATO operations have caused civilian deaths and that he had taken precautions to severe lack of casualties among civilians
The Amnesty also agreed that NATO made a major effort to reduce the risk of casualties among civilians through the use of smart bombs and high-resolution warning of the occurrence of strikes before they happen
But the organization said that this does not absolve the Western alliance of all deaths in the investigation or payment of compensation to victims or the families of the deadOn the other hand, said channel (Libya) Satellite Monday that he found a mass grave containing the remains of 40 people were killed by elements belonging to the head of the former Libyan Muammar Gaddafi near the Brigade 32 in "Spring Valley" near the Libyan capital Tripoli, noting that These victims are believed to be those who refused to obey orders to kill the rebels in the Libyan cities liberated during the events of the war of liberation and the Spring Valley area near the capital, Tripoli 

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