Ukraine accuses Chechen and Kazakh plotting to assassinate Putin

Ukrainian authorities have accused Chechen and Kazakh Adam Osmajiev Byanzin Elijah of conspiring to assassinate the Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin and other leading Russian figures, based on the directives of the leader of the "Caucasus Emirate" Doku Umarov
And reported the news agency Novosti Russia on Wednesday that it is known that the Ukrainian authorities recognized the existence of a conspiracy to assassinate Vladimir Putin as accused the security authorities Ukrainian Osmajiev and Byanzin who arrested by security men, Ukrainians in the city of Odessa, Ukrainian, they they form a group task assassination of Staff of Russia's power, including Putin
The devices Ukrainian and Russian foiled assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin, off plan Osmajiev Adam (31 years) and Elijah Byanzin (28 years) and Ruslan Madayev (26 years) - in the city of Odessa at the beginning of 2012. And arrested them after they caused in an explosion at their home when they making a bomb, which killed Madayev
It emerged from questioning Osmajiev and Byanzin they Aatzma implementation of the plan in Moscow after the elections, Russia's president on March 4, where he was told Byanzin investigators that he and Madayev arrived in Odessa at the direction of representatives of Doku Umarov, to learn bomb-making there, before culminating to Moscow on a mission to assassinate Putin 

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